Are you operating out of your home and/or car and need a
legal business address but don't want to lease a full office....
Looking for a place to hold meetings or make your video presentations...
Want someone to answer your phone while you're out in the
Then why not lease a Business Address in Metairie Louisiana?
Leasing of a Business Address includes:
Standard Package:
- Use of legal business address
- On-site post office box (includes Suite number)
- Listing of firm on building directory
- Use of second floor conference room for meetings.
- Use of copy machine (100 copies per month) at no additional
cost and free faxing (incoming and outgoing).
Optional Services:
- One phone line & answering service with voice mail
to check your messages remotely
- Advertising of your business on our red
LED reader board located at Clearview & I-10
in Metairie Louisiana, visible to over 110,000 viewers a day!
If you feel these services would benefit your business, call
or e-mail us today
for details!